60 Seconds With Augspurger Monitors

60 Seconds With Augspurger Monitors

Audio Media International started this series for our newsletter and, by popular demand, we’re picking the best interviews every now and then and putting them on the site while we miss the usual shows and conventions. If you want to be featured or want to nominate someone, email rosie@audiomediainternational.com.

Dave Malekpour, President, Augspurger Monitors

Where are you right now?
Today I am at Quad Studios in Times Square in NYC where we just installed a new Neve Genesys Black GB64, upgraded the Augspurgers in Q1 to match with the fully renovated studio. I will be tuning the speakers in all 4 studios over next 24 hours.

What is the last album you listened to?
Well, since I tune speakers for all kinds of artists, when I am going to tune for a client I listen to their records. Since I was just in Puerto Rico woking for Ozuna and Wisin, I have been listening to them, and to Myke Towers’ record Lyke Mike. I got familiar with tuning Jaycen Joshua’s system we designed for him.

Describe 2021 so far in one sentence
Freedom and growth seem to be the theme of 2021, we need to get back out in the world after being shut in with the pandemic, and I think this last year was a chance to do some growing, both as a company and individually.

What skill have you developed in lockdown?
We perfected being able to remotely tune our speaker systems using remote measuring, Zoom for connection, and a lot of testing in our lab to perfect our Remotune System. Additionally I think we moved from in-person site meetings to connecting digitally so I felt connected to my clients despite being in my office.

Apart from friends and family, what have you most missed this year?
I have missed smiles and hugs and being able to share a moment with clients in their studios. I find the masked face is so void of deep expression and I like seeing a smiling face when I am talking in person.

What event do you most want to go to in 2021?
I am looking forward to Summer NAMM, and the AES/NAB show to get that community feeling of being part of this industry. Seeing old friends, and clients, and making new connections is self-sustaining.  I also really want to go hear some live music, and don’t care who the artist is, just get out and feel normal!

What’s the biggest change to the industry from the last year and will it stick with us?
I think we have all become accustomed to Zooming instead of calling, and personally I like it as I think we can better communicate when we see each other. While it doesn’t replace an in-person visit, I think we can do a lot remotely and there’s savings of time, and travel expenses which make us want to continue integrating remote meetings in our ongoing business.

Tell us something you’ve never told anyone else?
My wife knows this well-kept secret, but I do actually cry at Hallmark movies that she is addicted to watching.  So I try not to watch them unless I am ready for my kids to make fun of me!

A Neve® Genesys Black Console for Audio Engineers of Detroit
Iconic Quad Studios Installs a Neve Genesys Black console